Home Composable Business Solutions The Principles of Configure-to-Order
The Principles of Configure-to-Order

(CTO): Streamlining Manufacturing for Customization


In today’s fast-paced manufacturing industry, businesses face increasing demands for customization, shorter production runtimes, and unpredictable customer requirements. To address these challenges, many companies are adopting the principles of Configure-to-Order (CTO). CTO offers a streamlined approach to manufacturing complex products while allowing for a high level of customization. In this blog post, we will explore the principles of CTO and the benefits it brings to manufacturing processes.


1. Standardization and Building Blocks:

At the core of CTO is the concept of standardization. Instead of starting from scratch for each customer order, CTO leverages pre-defined building blocks or modules. These building blocks represent the components, features, and options that can be assembled in various configurations to meet customer requirements. By standardizing these modules, manufacturers can streamline their production processes and eliminate the need for extensive re-engineering.

The use of standardized building blocks not only simplifies manufacturing but also enhances efficiency and quality control. With well-defined modules, manufacturers can ensure consistent performance and reliability across different product variations. Additionally, standardization facilitates easier inventory management, as it becomes simpler to track and manage the availability of individual building blocks.

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 2. Pre-Defined Configurations:

CTO enables customers to select their desired product configurations from a range of pre-defined options. These configurations are carefully designed to meet the most common customer needs while ensuring feasibility and compatibility. The configurations are typically validated by engineering and production teams in advance, eliminating the risk of selling products that cannot be built. This results in improved collaboration between departments and a reduction in errors and rework.

Pre-defined configurations also provide a clear framework for customers to make their choices. Instead of overwhelming them with endless customization possibilities, CTO simplifies the decision-making process by presenting well-crafted options that align with their requirements. This not only saves time but also ensures that customers receive products that meet their expectations.

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3. Product Configurator (CPQ Software):

To effectively implement CTO, businesses often utilize a Product Configurator or CPQ (Configure, Price, Quote) software. A robust CPQ system empowers sales representatives and customers to configure products within the defined parameters. The software guides users through the selection process, ensuring that all choices are valid and feasible. The CPQ software also generates accurate quotes and proposals based on the chosen configurations, saving time and improving sales efficiency.

A well-designed CPQ software provides a user-friendly interface that allows customers to explore different options, visualize their choices, and understand the implications of each decision. It enables real-time pricing and quoting, ensuring transparency and accuracy in the sales process. Moreover, the integration of CPQ software with other enterprise systems, such as Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) and Customer Relationship Management (CRM) systems, facilitates seamless data exchange and enhances overall operational efficiency.

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