Home Case Stoneridge Orlaco
Stoneridge Orlaco


Mechanical Engineering
Employees : 1500-3400
Headquarters : 1500-3400
Business Unit : Sales & Forecasting
ERP : Microsoft Business Central

Key benefits


Improvement in On-Time Delivery (OTD


Reduction in Inventory Levels


Increase in Production Efficiency

Let the future work for you

The Challenge

In the dynamic landscape of the current market, the challenges imposed by the COVID-19 pandemic have made supply chain management more intricate. Organizations now seek to predict customer demand and forecast supplier reliability, aiming to adapt internal processes efficiently. Stoneridge Orlaca faced the following crucial questions:

  1. How to measure and improve On Time Delivery (OTD)?
  2. How to assess and enhance supplier performance?
  3. How to enhance sales predictions for detailed long-term material planning?
  4. How to improve inventory levels?
  5. How to boost production efficiency?

These questions are inherently tied to ERP systems, where supplier data is tracked by procurement, inventory levels are influenced by ERP choices, and production efficiency hinges on the availability of materials and production resources. However, existing ERP systems often lack long-term forecasts, leading to manual interventions and static Material Requirement Planning (MRP) processes. This static nature results in unreliable information and the reliance on Excel documents, risking knowledge concentration within a few individuals.

The Solution

Starcode Dynamic MRP
Addressing these challenges, Starcode introduced a dynamic MRP solution. By starting with supplier data integration, ERP records valuable data, and when combined, transforms it into actionable information. Starcode Dynamic MRP dynamically adjusts lead times by automatically updating them based on real-time data. This not only impacts inventory levels but also plays a pivotal role in production planning. By linking sales forecasts to dynamic MRP calculations, organizations gain insights into necessary inventory replenishments and potential inventory savings.

Starcode Forecasting solution.
To bolster the forecasting process, Starcode developed a Forecasting Solution. This app refines sales forecasts from an overall perspective to individual product levels through classification. Leveraging historical order data and incorporating AI and machine learning technologies, the app enables sales to provide accurate forecasts. The resulting forecasts, when compared to actual orders, bridge the gap between prediction and reality.

Inventory Insight in Dynamic MRP:
Dynamic MRP’s ability to present ERP data coherently allows for insightful analysis. Starcode’s software provides a tool that showcases current overstock, understock, and out-of-stock levels. This not only aids in data-driven decision-making but also serves as an analytical tool to identify root causes of inventory imbalances.

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